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Nonprofit Agency Endowed Fund

A Nonprofit Agency Endowed Fund can be established at CFAAC with a minimum of $25,000. Your organization can add to the endowment at any time. The fund can be named after your organization, in honor of a major donor, or another name that reflects your organization’s mission. 

Your organization’s endowment monies are safeguarded to meet the future needs of the organization. CFAAC will manage your fund, report to the IRS and the State of Maryland, prepare quarterly statements, and distribute income to your organization. The assets in the endowment continue to be recorded on your organization’s balance sheet even though they are legally held and managed by CFAAC. 

Your organization will receive quarterly financial reports on the status of the endowment, including gifts, grants, fees, and investment returns.  You will also have access to the online portal to review the status of your fund at any time.

What are the benefits of having an Endowment Fund with CFAAC?

  • Ensures your long-term success, providing your donors with even more confidence in your organization.
  • Alleviates the burden of investing and administrating your endowment. Your assets are invested to achieve long-term capital growth while a portion of your fund will be distributed annually to your organization for vital programs and operations.
  • Offers your organization the ability to accept complex assets such as stocks, real estate, and mutual funds into your fund.
  • Provides your organization with expertise in local philanthropy and a dedicated partner focused on helping you achieve your long-term goals.
  • Expands your audience for contributions. CFAAC will help publicize the new Designated Fund this anniversary year, inviting the public to contribute.

If you’re interested in learning more about Nonprofit Endowment Funds at CFAAC, contact John Rodenhausen, our Director of Gift Planning, at or 410.280.1102, ext.103.

Why Establish a Nonprofit Agency Endowed Fund at CFAAC?


Building a permanent endowment is a critical step in ensuring your nonprofit’s long-term success. An endowment fund at CFAAC will assure your donors that they are contributing to a stable, growing organization, and to a purpose that will endure forever. If your organization should ever cease operations, CFAAC will redirect the income of the endowment to a foundation with a similar purpose.  

Investment Expertise

Nonprofit Agency Funds are invested in CFAAC's Long-Term Growth pool for maximum return with minimum financial risk. Your endowment is pooled with the overall assets of CFAAC, which reduces investment management costs and allows exposure to sophisticated investment vehicles. Over time, your endowment should grow as the result of better-than-average investment results and low management fees. 



An endowment provides a relatively constant source of income for your organization. Distributions may be made annually according to CFAAC's spending policy. CFAAC's current spending policy rate is 4% for 2018. All income above fees accrues to your endowment. You may elect to save this additional income for future spending or return it to the principal. 


Through CFAAC’s promotional efforts, your organization’s endowment will be publicized throughout the community. In addition, your organization will become a CFAAC partner for community fundraising efforts such as Endow Maryland.

The Endow Maryland tax credit applies only to gifts to permanent, endowed funds at qualified Maryland community foundations. These gifts will generate many times the initial value of the gift in benefit of Anne Arundel County forever.

Endow Maryland Tax Credit

Nonprofit Agency Funds as of September 10, 2024

Click on a link below to donate a special gift to that fund.

*Designated Funds for the benefit of a nonprofit with the goal of growing to become a permanently Endowed Fund.